How often do you check your competitors' social pages?

Tirupati Reddy Dontireddy
25 replies
Hi everyone, I just wanted to know the frequency of checking competitors' pages. The question is: how often do you check your competitors' pages?


Stefani Sparysheva
On a monthly basis
Toh Xue Zun
I think monthly checks are healthy. Checking them too often might disrupt your schedule as there is a high chance of being pressured to follow.
bijal dave
My number is embarrassingly high!
Nadezhda Babushkina
Hi, this is a great question! I think, that majority of folks try to cut corners in a way. They use tools like google alerts or talk walker alerts to be notified by email when a competitor makes move
Pooja Lahoti
You should check it either weekly or twice a week. But if you figure out their content strategy for social media then may be monthly. To ease this process, you can use analysis tools like "Not just analytics" or "sprout social" these are really helpful.
Jacopo Lai
It's really important to know what's up with your competition. Can't afford to lack or miss out an opportunity. Also, this practice keeps the competition healthy and thriving. Do you agree?
Aphelia T.
Timesheet by Technuf
Timesheet by Technuf
A good reminder to keep an eye on what competitors are up to :)
Kelly Donohue
It helps me stay up to date