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  • How much time have you spent between having the idea and shipping the MVP?

    Nadir Belhaj
    5 replies


    Sadly far too long but I am working on things as a side hustle!
    Daniel Zaitzow
    Sitting at about 6 months right now!
    Nick Basile
    Depends on the size of the MVP 😅 I've shipped some in an afternoon, others have taken 9 months. Generally though, I try to ship something as quickly as possible. If I haven't shipped after a month or two, I'll reassess my assumptions to see if I can rescope the project and get it launched.
    Tatiana Vdovychenko
    I voted for a year, but if you work with Agile, you can manage in 6 :) Here is a good article on how startups can work with agile methodology: https://jetsoftpro.com/blog/the-...
    Metthew Turner
    How much time have you invested from conceptualizing the idea to shipping the MVP? Share your journey! If you're navigating challenges or seeking insights, I've found valuable support at https://www.shipvehicles.com/ . Looking forward to hearing your experiences!