How many hours a day do you dedicate to social media and engaging with your social media audiences ?
Benard Ogutu
10 replies
I want to build a community around a product I'm working on and I'm still trying to find out what works and what doesn't work. My main concern is that I'm currently working on everything alone and I'm trying to balance between development and operations. If you can relate to this let me know how you do it.
Brian Yip@brian_yip
Kudos - Put Your Cards to Work
I'd recommend implementing a loose strategy and process. A weekly routine could look like:
1. Spend 1-2 hours every Sunday night brainstorming your weekly posts (themes, topics, actual copy itself, etc.)
2. During the week itself, be organic and natural! Relate your product to relevant news and engage with users.
To answer your other comment on finding new target users, I'd write down a list of the top 5 Twitter accounts in your space and interact with them daily. Tweet at them, reply to their tweets, etc. Naturally, your tweet might get served to their audience and you'll slowly build awareness from there.
@brian_yip This is the best piece of information I've received all day, I'm saving this for reference, thank you!
Kudos - Put Your Cards to Work
@benard_ogutu No problem! Looking forward to seeing your product on here soon π₯³
We're actually launching tomorrow, so hopefully I can share tips when that day comes!
@brian_yip Just turned on the notification for your launch, wishing you luck.
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Benard, what type of product are you working on? Maybe it would be best to focus on a single channel at one go. May sound boring, but usually different audiences are active on different platforms, as yours may be using Twitter while you'd be pushing on Instagram.
I believe that focusing on one platform and really studying the audience can lead to better results than trying to spread yourself too thin across different platforms. In my experience, I've found that I'm more productive and efficient when I'm focused on one thing. Btw I'm working on an audio productivity tool called SpeakDigest.
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Literally 30 minutes... This isn't great, so it will be rising up in the near future (Hopefully this week).
I need a good plan in place for batch writing content so if you have any tips - let me know!
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@benard_ogutu That makes sense and is smart - gonna have to test this myself! As for new account traction, I've heard participating/replying to leaders in your space/their follower's related comments has been helpful for some.
@carter_barnett To ensure a consistent flow of content, I've created a content calendar that allows me to plan ahead. Specifically, I aim to prepare an entire week's worth of content in advance, giving me more time to focus on other aspects of my work. Something that I'm trying to understand right now is how to find your target audience on Twitter, especially for new accounts.
@carter_barnett I appreciate the advice.