How many email ids do you have and what's the purpose of each?
Rucha Joshi
22 replies
Are any of them paid accounts?
![Molly O'Neill](
Molly O'Neill@molly_o_neill2
Way too many. 2 personal -( 1 for shopping, 1 for family and friends). 4 work related.
@molly_o_neill2 wow 6! do you ever get them mixed up, how do you manage the passwords?
@rucha_joshi8 Hi, I use LastPass chrome extension to manage my different passwords. Definitely you try it free version.
1. work
2. Personal main (things I actually want to subscribe to, contact me email, finance)
3. Everything else mail (ecom, spam, signups etc.)
1 - work
1 - family
1 - personal
1 - old school account that I still use for a few things.
@dawn_veltri1 And do you pay for any of them - like a fastmail, privacy first email?
2 email IDs, one for work and one for personal stuff.
1 for work
1 personal account
1 the first email id that I created (the one I am not proud of)!!
On a lighter note the other interesting could be to share the first email id that you ever created.. π
@nick_mapup hehe that;'s right. What was yours?
I have two emails; one is personal, and the second is official.
@elena_cirera Keeping it simple :) How do you manage spam emails?
1- personal account
1- work
@business_dev_team Are they both Suite ids?
I guess I use about 10, some are for testing only as I work in project that involves email. For real use I have two:
I have a gmail address I use for all general private mails and one I use for my company mail in the company domain.
I have an email running on my domain, where I use one address mostly, though I can create additional addresses for testing. This is running on a G-Suite account that I created when it still was free.
I have accounts on hotmail, aol, yahoo, gmx, mail-com and few other email services sometimes used to test if a mail works either way (e.g. from aol to the mail service we do).
I also have a subdomain for throw-away email addresses that I can create and remove as necessary which forward to the primary gmail address (if you could these as addresses, its probably another 10β15)
I also have a email addresses on some smaller email services like openmailbox which I created just to test the service (which is offline now, good thing i never used that for anything real).
@ramon_devils Woah! yes even I have a few for testing purpose which is tied to the main work email.
Do you have any paid personal email account?