How many books do you read per year?

Amir Andohkosh
18 replies
Every year I aim to read more books but don't tend to keep up. Curious how many books on average others in this community read!


I read (or listen to) one book a month on average. Gives me enough time to process and take action.
Hunted Space
Hunted Space
Launching soon!
My new year resolution is to read at least 5 books. Haven't started yet πŸ˜…
Honestly the same, then I started to think why do I want to read? 2 parts really, knowledge and peace; I'll try to solve one at a time, for the knowledge part I use Blinkist for that. and I'm yet to figure out peace. How many are you trying to read this year my boy?
Not too many like 4. But I definitely going to double this number by the end of the year!
Daniel Do
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Optimized Toolbox
I'm trying to read 12 per year but man, it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't.
Richard Gao
Less than I would like to But I do read articles to keep up
Anne Broadwin
i think i did ~30 books last year, about 10 paper books and 20 on Kindle.
Amir Andohkosh
@annebroadwin Nice! Any recommendations?
Jason Lee
About 5 books, last year I was more interested in history and biography books, this year it is science fiction
Anne Broadwin
@jason_lee_3282 i just read Three Body not long ago, so amazing! The past years i was very into psychology
Valentine Osnovyanenko
I read them seasonally. When I'm in the mood, I can read 3 books in a row over a few months. Most of my reading comes from newsletters and lots of marketing articles. In fact, I'd say reading 10+ articles already feels like a book! Most importantly, note the new things from the books you read! Our memory store book insights only if they are re-read. That's why you should at least track the findings in Notion-ish apps - you can easily retrieve the info with the search button!