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  • How effective is affiliate marketing?

    Bigyan Karki
    4 replies
    We launched our product (https://thedrive.ai) a while ago, and we have a decent number of initial users. We want to reach out to a larger audience and were considering affiliate marketing. However, we are not sure how effective it is. Please let us know if you have any experience with it, and how do you do your marketing.


    Donna Hernandez
    Affiliate marketing can be a real game changer if done right. It's like having a sales army working on commission. But like any strategy, it's not a one-size-fits-all. Works best when there's a good product-market fit and solid relationships with affiliates.
    Bigyan Karki
    @donahernande13 hmm. So, i guess theres no loss on giving it a try hey?
    Henry Sipchen
    Effective? Yes. Expensive? Also yes. We do our marketing in house. We’ve had to learn a lot on our own, but you’d be amazed how many online resources there are to help out with this. Creativity is also paramount