how do you think our smartphones will change 5 to 10 years from now?
28 replies
im guessing they are going to morph into our glasses or watches..
AR-glasses will substitute smartphones, I guess. Phones may become just complementary processing modules for them.
Maybe smartphones will be a continuity of our body with the screen in the palm of the hand (like Tony Stark did, no?)
I hope the battery level increases , it has much more high processing power, a lot more storage, much more smarter, self cleaning speakers, solar power charging, and a lot more.....
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I beg to reduce the sizes. Its good to have a big screen but pockets are not enough for them anymore !!!!!!!
If technology takes us far enough, hopefully being able to have holograms apart from video calling
It would be pretty cool to have the colour of your phone change based on touch and body temperature.
I hope that they will be unkillable (iPhone lover)
good question...
I hope the battery level increases