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  • How do you test while building?

    Yassine Zeriouh
    5 replies
    Hey all! As the title says, I'm interested in hearing how you all test your applications while building. Do you test manually? Are you automating tests? As for myself - I usually write unit tests either when something breaks, or if it's a function that I rate as "fragile" - or I'm not sure it will work as expected. Other than that, I'm using my tool to create and run end-to-end and integration tests as well :) Excited to hear about your experience! 👀


    Johannes Müller
    important question! for a MVP with just a small feature set I would go without integration tests and just 1-2 e2e tests but would still activate a GitHub pipeline. but as soon as it gets more customers and features I would definitely go to write more integration tests
    Taylah Drury
    Backend is something that is rarely tested. It is the most difficult part to test and to identify the bug. This is something where the QA team fails most of the time. The best way to test backend code is to write unit tests. Unit tests give you a sense of confidence that you are not breaking the existing functionality and your changes are working. In order to write good unit tests you need to first understand what you are writing the unit test for. If you don’t understand the business logic well, there is no point in writing unit tests. Writing good unit tests requires writing very good unit level design. Unit level design is something that is very hard to do well.
    Umar Saleem
    B2B Rocket
    B2B Rocket
    Launching soon!
    You build, and you test. Simple as that. The key is to do it quickly and without much ceremony
    Launching soon!
    To decide what to test and how to test it, you must clearly understand the problem you are trying to solve. The more precisely you can state the problem, the better your chances of success. To determine whether your design is working, you might measure which version gets more page views. You might look for changes in the visitor's behavior on your site.
    Jason Lee
    I would use automated testing, but it also brings a lot of additional development work.