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  • How do you take care of your health while working on your computer/phone for hours?

    14 replies


    Standing desk has been a game changer. Layer in desk walking treadmill and you are set!
    You commit to putting it first. Don’t buy bad food and you won’t eat bad food. Don’t drink and stay up late and you won’t be drained and sleep late. Park further away from coffee shops and force yourself to walk more. Keep it up and the compounding effects take care of the rest. 🪄
    Stefan Pettersson
    Coffee Companion
    Coffee Companion
    I do a crossfit class at noon three times per week. Does really help a lot to keep back pain away, and similar things!
    @stpe Exercising is the best way to add movement to our work. For example, I go to the gym 3-4 times a week. I also play football with the guys once a month, it’s very fun
    Shajedul Karim
    hey there, it's a challenge we all grapple with in this digital age. a few things that've worked for me: 1. set regular alarms to stand up and stretch. every hour helps. 2. invest in a good chair and ergonomic setup. it's worth it. 3. blue light glasses - might sound gimmicky, but they made a difference for me. 4. digital detox. hard but necessary. give yourself phone-free zones/times. 5. hydration. keep water by your side, always. 6. eye exercises. look at a distant object every now and then. 7. apps like Flux or Night Shift for screen warmth in the evening. 8. and realize that, your best ideas often come when you're away from the screen. take care of that mind and body. they're the only ones you got.
    I do boxing classes 2 times a week
    Austin Armstrong
    Make sure to have breaks in between Squeeze into your schedule your workout Use a yoga ball as a chair