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  • How do you remember something?

    Andy Wong
    2 replies
    Do you keep on repeating the words? Do you say it out loud? Do take notes? Today this product caught my attention! Ideaflow! https://www.producthunt.com/posts/ideaflow?r=h To be honest they don't have eye-catching animations or pictures but take a look at what they offer. When I saw this I told myself, THIS IS WHAT I NEED!


    Phil Filippak
    Thank you so much for supporting us, Andy! Really appreciate that! To your question, for me, it depends on the topic and the format of the knowledge I want to remember. Some things, like new words in a language, I try to embed them in my speech and writing — it's definitely a preferred option for me compared to specific tools like Anki. Then, for some things I make graphical notes: e.g. various nodes connected in a graph that relate to each other. And some other stuff, say, formulas, is sometimes easier to memorize with the classical spaced repetition, so that's Anki (for some purposes).
    Igor Lysenko
    I remember thanks to the notes that I have.