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  • How do you practice self-care during a busy week? Let's exchange ideas and encourage wellness 🧘

    For me - I like taking walks outside, practicing meditation & spending time with my loved ones. How about you?


    Kseniya Avtukhovich
    I'd be happy to share some ideas for practicing self-care during a busy week and encourage wellness! For me, practicing self-care during a busy week is all about finding small moments to recharge and refresh myself. One thing I like to do is take short breaks throughout the day to stretch, take a walk outside, or simply close my eyes and take a few deep breaths. I also try to make sure I'm taking care of my physical health by eating nutritious meals, drinking plenty of water, and getting enough sleep. In addition to these daily practices, I also find it helpful to set aside some dedicated time for self-care activities, such as meditation, yoga, or reading a book. Even if it's just 15 minutes a day, having a dedicated self-care routine can help me feel more grounded and refreshed. Finally, I think it's important to remember that self-care is about finding what works for you and your individual needs. Whether it's taking a hot bath, calling a friend, or watching your favorite TV show, the most important thing is to prioritize your own well-being and make self-care a regular part of your routine.
    I enjoy doing yoga classes once a week and spending time with my family on the weekends :)
    Elisabeth Was
    Treating yourself - a nice piece of cake after some walking :)
    Bren Kinfa πŸ’Ž SaaS Gems
    @mansi_trivedi1 Nice! What's a good book you've been reading lately?
    James Tedy
    I always set a schedule for exercise and tried to take break in between the meetings/work
    Richard Gao
    Just taking regular breaks is enough
    Carmela Padasas
    I replaced coffee with a 5-min nap.
    Swapratim Roy
    I like to spend 30 min in the morning - 100 push ups - 5 times a week. Reading everyday, at least for few minutes. Of course spending time with my family - especially with kid while she's growing up.
    Bren Kinfa πŸ’Ž SaaS Gems
    @swapratim_roy That's great. How long did it take you to be able to do 100 push-ups every morning, consistently?
    I always try to make sure my body gets movement in, whether that's a workout or a walk and doing this with a friend is even better! This really helps me focus even better while I'm working!
    Antoine Torossian
    @devreetdulay 100% agree with this, the body and mind work together whether we realize it or not! I find that if i make time to exercise/move even a bit during a hectic day, I often feel better than if I had just "chilled"
    Mohammad Elzahaby
    I try to keep a simple routine, and try to incorporate my self care into my day, like taking the stairs, walking instead of car, journaling while sitting in the public transports, etc. I think one big thing is I am following one meal a day.
    Craig Goodwin
    Riding my road bike is my meditation, I always make time for that πŸš΄β€β™‚οΈπŸš΄β€β™‚οΈ
    Peyt Spencer Dewar
    Drinking water πŸ’§
    Thomas Boulesteix
    Sleep is very important! We often underestimate the benefit of a good night of sleep, especially when work is busy and stressful. It helps you stay level-headed and your energy levels constant.
    Kate Erina
    I've been developing my self-care routine for a long time, and now it's almost perfect: Sleep well, meditate at least several times a week, exercise/run once or twice, go to a massage weekly, and take breaks during the day to recharge.
    Petr Derbikov
    I would like to share some ideas on how to take care of yourself during a busy week. Personally, I try to set aside a few minutes for meditation and yoga, and I also pay attention to my diet, trying to eat healthy. This helps me maintain my energy and positive attitude so that I can focus on the tasks in front of me. When it comes to nails, I understand how important it is to have quality tools to take care of your appearance, and indeed, the quality of the nail nippers https://www.havidol.com/ can make a big difference. However, during this exchange about self-care, something else may be more important, such as what emotions or actions help us de-stress and relax after a busy day.