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  • How do you keep users active and engaged after launching a new product?

    Natasha H
    1 reply
    I’m beginning the process of launching a productivity platform on PH and I’m thinking about what happens after the initial excitement dies down. I’d love to hear your thoughts on how to keep users coming back and staying engaged post-launch. What strategies have you found effective for boosting post-launch conversion and building long-term loyalty? Any specific tactics or tools that have worked well for you?


    Hjalte Niehorster
    Make sure you have a well-documented support documentation. When a reached a roadblock, and can’t find an answer in 2-5 minutes, especially with a vitamine product, you will loose the customer. The first 5 minutes are the kost important one, doe they see the value of the product, does it solve their problem. Reward customers for achievements (gamification), and ensure they are keep seeing the value for money.