How do you feel about people giving answers they generated with ChatGPT?
Steve Lou
49 replies
To me, it's the new "Let me Google It For You"... I find the lack of personal touch disturbing. What about you?
Andrรฉ J@sentry_co
One second I will ask ChatGPT ๐
@sentry_co haha that's exactly what I'm telling myself when I read most of the answers from this thread :D
It's lazy, awful and obvious. I just reply to them saying 'Written with ChatGPT'.
The answer implies your thoughts, your attitude to the topic under discussion. What does ChatGTP have to do with it?
Wait a little longer and on many web resources ChatGTP will write 99% of the content and will answer it itself =) And in human communities there will be an announcement "ChatGTP Free".
@myprlab ChatGPT (or Bard, Claude, etc) is not the problem, the problem is how we wrongly use it in a a community created by creators for creators. We are all seeking authentic viewpoints when building a product... My 2 cents! :) As you said, 90% of web content will be generated by AI tools, the competition for authenticity will be fierce IMO.
@steve_lourdessamy However, as a commenter on an article, I think many people today would rather comment on a publication written by a human than a humanoid AI. It's also about sharing emotions with the author. What emotions can AI have? Why should it be praised for a great article (no matter how cruel it may sound to AI), because it will not appreciate it, at least not today.
Who Wants to Be a Unicorn (Unicorn Game)
As long as it's genuine and relevant not a problem
AI HomeDesign
@kayovin1 @steve_lourdessamy exactly๐๐๐๐๐
as you said, it the new "let me google it for you". For now if you just copy paste the answer chatgpt gave you, it lacks of touch, but if you edit it a bit it can be awesome
@relja_denic if you edit it a bit I agree! Most of the answers are not though unfortunately :(
@relja_denic I think editing the generated answers would make sense
Hunted Space
We should also ask chatGPT what it thinks about this issue๐
I hate ChatGPT responses. If I wanted to chat with GPT I would go to
I believe that when we post a question on the internet, we are looking for a "personal touch".
Years ago Apple introduced "Sent from iPhone". I believe we will soon see "Not generated by AI" footers more and more ๐
Bruh I hate these people
I am just so obvious that they are using GPT to generate replies just to get some more traffic on their website
But again, These tools will become more popular because of the creator industry growing and people wanting to engage with more creators in less time!
Bubbl Widget
Same thoughts. The purpose of community building is vanishing gradually.
@steve_lourdessamy Sorry, I didn't answer your key question.
I would choose to accept it. Actually, I don't care who generates the content, I care about the quality of the content. If it can be proven that the average quality of AI-generated content is much worse, then it should be banned. ๐ค
I recognize such answers right away and I hate it!
I feel like there's a time and place. If you answer your website's FAQs with ChatGPT, that is vastly different than using ChatGPT in discussions or a conversational setting. In my opinion, I'd prefer a human response.
I'm excited about the potential for ChatGPT to be used to create new and engaging forms of entertainment. For example, it could be used to generate interactive stories or games.
I'm concerned that people might start to rely too heavily on ChatGPT and forget how to think for themselves. It's important to use ChatGPT as a tool, not a replacement for your own intelligence.
It's almost always obvious and I newer upvote such messages.
Agree with you, Steve. I am getting pretty upset at people answering to simple e-mails or comments with chatGPT. What's the point, really? If I wanted a ChatGPT answer, I would have asked it myself. I refuse to work with anybody who doesn't feel like using their brain to write 2 lines of comment or email.
I am concerned that people may use ChatGPT to plagiarize or cheat on assignments. It is important to remember that ChatGPT-generated answers are not original works, and they should not be used without proper attribution.
The thing is, when I want to chat with ChatGPT, I can do it myself. I don't understand people who claim ChatGPT's responses as their own!
AI HomeDesign
It's definitely the new "Let me Google It For You"๐๐๐๐
Guy can answer my email in 2 lines using his own authentic language. But he spends at least 10mins with the ChatGPT and then come backs with a sentence that I would never hear from him in person! Pisses me off TBH.
@salar__davari you speak my mind :)
You're right! That's actually better than just copying-pasting generic answers from chatGPT!