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  • How do you feel about not owning your data in the digital space?

    As everyone know we don't own our data in the platforms we use. Usually when you register you need to input your information, sometimes are things that are public but other times its more private information. How do you feel knowing big companies have full information about you and they can do with that information what they want? Do you take it serious this topic or you don't care about it?


    Richard Gao
    Contrary to most, although I see it as an issue and definitely support other's right to privacy. I don't care too much about it myself. For the most part, the data is used to better market to me, and I actually appreciate that, since I would more prefer to see relevant ads than irrelevant ones. Though I can see it becoming an issue if someone lives in a more authoritarian country, and the corporations collaborate with the government on collecting info to be allowed to do business in that country.
    Joan Mateo Duarte 🚀
    @richard_gao2 understandable! I agree with the issue you say! In regards to a better market, I believe the best way is to get to a common ground where the user is the owner of their information online and the platforms help them, based on the information the user is willing to provide, get a better market!
    Krishna Kumar
    Do you have a choice? If you own a phone, then Google or Apple knows everything about you, etc. The only solace is that your data gets aggregated and at some level anonymized.
    Joan Mateo Duarte 🚀
    @kkumarkg Completely true! Nowadays is hard to own your data from monopolistic companies. Although, we might be building de solution (you can follow us here https://www.producthunt.com/upco...). We are going to help people own their academic and working trajectories with the power of blockchain technology. With great user experience, it helps users understand this new technology and make it easy for them. Of course, we are far away from decentralizing data from the biggest companies but it is a step into the future. We are launching on January!