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  • How do you balance being informed with information overload?

    Staying informed is important, but it's easy to fall into the trap of too much news. How do you find your balance?


    Shania Jennings
    Balancing is tough, but I follow a few trusted sources and try not to check the news more than twice a day. Keeps me from spiraling into info overload.
    Tom Rudnai
    Podcasts. Great way of filtering news, making sense of it with help of experts and you get to consume it while you take a walk. Filters out the noise and negativity of news sites, too.
    Nicole Park
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    These days, I'm also troubled by the pressure I feel to gather as much information as possible. πŸ˜‚
    Hana Salazars
    Finding the right balance can be tricky! I try to limit my news intake to certain times of the day and stick to trusted sources to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
    Eriberto Puppy
    It's a challenge! I focus on quality over quantity, choosing a few reliable sources and taking breaks to keep my sanity.
    Elizabeth M. Mitchell
    I'm with you on this one. I set aside specific times to check the news and make sure I’m not constantly scrolling throughout the day.
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    I used a tool to generate one-sentence summaries for each topic I'm interested in, and after running it for half a year, I feel good. Any later reading, RSS readers, and recommendation algorithms haven't really solved the information overload problem.
    Alexander Kovalov
    Filter the information you consume, and put consumption on a schedule. For example, I listen to the All-In podcast or This Week in Startups when I walk outside or hit the gym. I watch the My First Million podcast on YouTube while eating. I read almost five email newsletters every morning, and I browse X randomly while waiting for the elevator or in the restroom.
    Your writing is always so engaging and informative. Love it! URL
    Laeequa Ahmad
    Oh, such a good question. I try to keep some topics for specific days to explore and research on.
    Leland Kuphal
    I limit myself to 30 minutes of news in the morning nd thts it keeps me informed without getting overwhelmed
    Miele brown
    news apps with curated summaries i use that way, I get the important stuff withut going down endless rabbit holes
    Kelly Kim
    Launching soon!
    I only subscribe to newsletters I'm interested in to follow information. And I unsubscribe from the ones I don't often read.
    Lachlan Bryce Shepherd
    I find curating my podcast feed is key for balancing being informed without overload. A few hand-picked weekly shows covering the high-level news & trends I care about, plus some niche podcasts diving deep on my favorite subjects. Cuts out the click-bait headlines and lets me absorb info while commuting or working out. Quality over quantity!