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  • How do I increase REAL followers on Twitter in a short period?

    Minna Zhang
    39 replies
    Any strategies that you are using to increase your twitter followers? Any tools that you are using to increase your twitter followers?


    Sveta Bay
    Slogan Generator
    Slogan Generator
    šŸ„š 0-100 followers 1. Use DM to find like-minded people. 2. Treat your Twitter account like a product: set up a value proposition, tone of voice, and "competitor analysis." 3. Set daily targets on posts and replies (ex. 3 posts, 30 replies). šŸ£ 100-1000 followers 4. Make weekly content planning. 5. Experiment a lot. 6. Get inspired by new Tweet formats from influencers. 7. Re-use content: 1 thread can be divided into 10 1-liners. 8. Don't be disappointed with low engagement, it happens even with big accounts. 9. Engage with big accounts right after they post smth (Notify button will help šŸ””) šŸ„ 1000+ followers 10. If you want a loyal and active audience, respond to comments (not only with GIFs haha). 11. Be a human, with all this AI flex, people want more life content. 12. Don't post just theory, post your experience and examples. #buildinpublic 13. Analyze what content works better for you and double down on it. 14. Try to go viral: analyze viral content examples and implement them. 15. Experiment with your bio because the conversion from visitor to follower highly depends on it. Try to implement at least 1 advice today and see how it's going šŸ‘€
    Tai Nguyen
    @basv those 11, 12 and 13 really make out most of my writing time! Ths for the helpful tips!
    Minna Zhang
    @basv super appreciate your advises, especially that you have mentioned about " GO - Viral " , I would recommend our product " DeNet - Giveaway" , in which has the ability of "go- viral" can help people to increase REAL followers in a short time and with low budget.
    Pooja Lahoti
    @basv Thanks for sharing. It's very helpful
    Uttiya Roy
    Tools are a bit passe But, I apply the core strategy of niche + general Basically, find a niche (marketing) post regularly, comment on people's posts, and retweet anything you find interesting, and people will follow (You should be able to get up to 500 followers with fairly good speed) Then follow it up with growth hacks, marketing tips, etc, alongside general commentary on the industry to hook in the people the 500 people follow. Soon, you should have achieved a lot of growth with real followers. A scheduler like Publer helps
    Nik Hazell
    Zappi Ad Predictor
    Zappi Ad Predictor
    @uttiya_roy Agreed. Nothing beats being genuinely active and useful! You can supplement and scale this with tools, bots, hacks, etc., - but if you're not engaging with people, they tend to fail!
    Uttiya Roy
    @nik_hazell People seem to have forgotten the "being useful" part of social media when it is the premise that the marketing channels were built on :D
    Minna Zhang
    @uttiya_roy thank you for your reply, I do agree that tools are a bit. thanks for sharing
    Toh Xue Zun
    @uttiya_roy great tip thanks!
    Toby Benedyk
    @uttiya_roy simple and helpful, thanks!
    DƔvid Sipos
    I'm following this discussion
    Minna Zhang
    @david_sipos thank you for your follow, in this case, I would highly recommend our Twitter REAL follower growth tool DeNet-Giveaway and tweets engagement enhancement tool DeNet-LinkTool, you may get more information from my profile. I am the maker of these tools
    Gregory Drew
    How to increase your Twitter followers: 1. Share relevant and useful content. 2. Post visual content. 3. Tweet consistently. 4. Interact with others.
    Minna Zhang
    @gregory_drew Appreciate your sharing, also I would highly recommend our tool DeNet.
    Shivam Thiagarajan
    Here are some things that I've seen work for others: 1. Tweet daily, 3-4x a day. However, your tweets must offer value. 2. Post a thread solving a common problem related to your niche once a week. 3. Interact with others in your space. Twitter is underrated for building relationships.
    guangle cong
    use some tools eg. Denet Giveaway Tool & LinkTool
    Minna Zhang
    @guangle_cong1 Thank you for sharing DeNet with others.
    Philip Snyder
    Delphi ā€” Digital Clone Studio
    Delphi ā€” Digital Clone Studio
    Spam threads - it's like a lottery. Aim for 1 in every 20 threads to go massively viral.
    Minna Zhang
    @philipsnyder Maybe you can try DeNet-Giveaway, get more information from my profile~šŸ˜Š
    Jasper Ruijs
    Growth Hackers Guide To Producthunt
    Growth Hackers Guide To Producthunt
    Most people don't care about originality; they only remember who helped them. Henceforth you can just move winning LinkedIn content to Twitter and vice versa as long as you attribute the creator.
    Brian Ficho
    I donā€™t like tweeting but am about to launch a new product so Iā€™m trying to learn as well. One point of feedback Iā€™ve gotten is specific knowledge and volume matter. Itā€™s hard to know what content will provide value so make a guess and share. Then try again and againā€¦
    Minna Zhang
    @brian_ficho thank you for your valuable answer~šŸ˜Š
    "Real" and "short" don't really go well together. I need to find the love of my love and marry her quickly. Doesn't work this way. You need to build a foundation, post useful content, and interact with other users, a lot.
    Jacopo Lai
    Consistency Visual content Smart talk Hashtag hunting To be popular on Twitter you must live it day n night.
    Mark K Spencer
    Tweet daily, 3-4 times a day. Regular online.
    Lee Twito
    Content is king, persistence is god. Keep posting every day on a few topics you're excited about
    Tracy Ma
    I would like to another tool called LinkTool. LinkTool is the Best Tool Can Help you Gain REAL Twitter Followers and Increase Twitter Engagement. More informationļ¼šhttps://www.producthunt.com%2F@w...
    Qiang Lin
    Hey there! I am so excited to share DeNet newest feature with you: Twitter REAL followers growth Tool. It's a super-easy way to grow your Twitter following, and it works like magic. Just set up the giveaway and let it do its thingā€”in about an hour, you'll have an entirely new audience! You can also use our DeNet Giveaway function to reward NFTs, whitelists, tokens, cryptocurrencies, coupons, Steam gift cardsā€¦ any gift you want to give away. DeNet will even help you find the perfect prize for each participantā€”that way they're more likely to finish their tasks at your request. And if that's not enough: Go-viral system helps your giveaway be seen by as much people as possible! DeNet will get in touch with all of the followers, who will share their own giveaways with their own followersā€”and so on and so forth. The more people who participate in your giveaway, the more everyone wins! If all this sounds good but seems a little complicatedā€¦ don't worry! Check out DeNet website ( denet.me ) where we walk you through everything step by step!
    Chetan Natesh
    I think the best way is to post comments on posts by accounts with sizeable audience and atleast initially very consistent content posting.
    Tanmay Parekh
    Tweet on topics you are familiar with and comment on other people's tweet with insights and suggestion. Do it for 30 days and you will see a hike.
    Ankit Sharma
    We would like to suggest you keep engaging. Post value-adding content consistently and keep in touch with other users. It'll help you build a loyal audience base. We currently have 2k+ followers in the last 4 months. You can visit here: @exitfundvc or https://twitter.com/exitfundvc
    First of all, you have to watch the trends. But I'm afraid you're going to be hard at work.
    Michael Arthur
    It's definitely getting harder and harder to amass more followers, especially for new accounts. I opened a new account recently for a startup and I find the engagement is very high with my tweets, but that does not translate into follows. It's almost like people don't want to follow you until they see you have more followers. It's tough out there!