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  • How did you find Product Market Fit?

    Simon Peter Damian
    6 replies
    Anyone here already found PMF? Could you tell us how ?


    Daniel Tanque
    It's hard to know exactly, you can feel it when you interview users, customers, partners and they all align their interest, but that is just a "Need Fit", or you may say that there's a market, but that doesn't mean your product feeds that market as expected/desired. For that the only thing to be sure is sales, if you validate the market and checks out, and people are willing to buy your product/service, then yes you have the PMF but also you have now a business. Nonetheless there comes another challenge... is it scalable? (your solution) So if people have that problem, if they are willing to buy and you have the capacity to keep scaling and adjusting yes then you have everything, but most importantly are the 2 first factors, supply and demand, need and solution.
    I'm not 100% sure of when you can say you've reached PMF. Personally, we're still in the process of iterating with the active users to keep improving the product and making it fit their needs. But you need to talk to them a lot, so it's hard and time consuming. Also, super rewarding!
    Gaston Krasny
    In my previous successful project, it was built after talking with many potential customers asking for a solution to a problem they had. I think that following that path is a good strategy. Get into the community that have the problem that you are solving, and just focus there
    I built my product for myself. I love it and use it daily internally with my team. I believe that if you really like your own product and find real use for it, there will be others who will find it useful. Linux was developed by Linus Torvalds for himself. He didn't have an iota of care about any other person ever using it. I think if a founder really believes in his or her product and actually have realworld use for it in their lives, profession and businesses, it will be a product market fit for others. Like the "Army of One", be the "Customer of One" and if you can't, it wont stick.
    Gurkaran Singh
    As a tech enthusiast deeply involved in the startup world, I've explored various avenues to discover Product Market Fit. The journey usually involves a mix of data analysis, user feedback, and a sprinkle of luck. It's like trying to find the perfect balance between what users want and what your product offers. Keep iterating and experimenting until you strike that sweet spot!
    Magdalena Bożek
    Hey Simon, I'm a founder at Uccelerate, a product research agency. We're a team of product people with multidisciplinary backgrounds - and we’ve crafted a new approach that aims to measure your product market fit and iterate you towards it. We want to measure its impact now by testing it with 2 consumer tech startups. If that interests you, please reach out and let’s talk to see if we’re a good fit.