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  • How can you keep up with the latest news while working?

    Buse Başar
    4 replies
    While working, the application, website, etc. that you use to stay up to date with the latest news about the country, economy, etc. Does it exist? What are you doing to be able to follow


    Chetan Natesh
    Twitter apparently helps with this.
    Harshavardhan Reddy
    I use google news app and google feeds and also Linked and Twitter too..
    Buse Başar
    BeforeSunset AI
    Launching soon!
    @harsha_vardhan01 I just heard the Google news and I'm downloading it right now! Thank you very much👍🏼
    Satish Kumar Veluri
    Personally I do not follow any app or website for news update. I get that during a coffee break with my peers and friends. If there is any topic which I'm interested then I would go online to get an insight.