How can I find Hunters and tips to reach them?
Ashi Bhat
28 replies
Hi friends, I'm launching a free online database and I'm looking for some help from Hunters (especially those who are working in the marketing or web3/ blockchain industries).
I'm relatively new to Product Hunt so wondering if anyone had recommendations on how to find aligned Hunters and tips to engage them?
Ben Lang@benln
Top Product
I'm a pretty active hunter, always welcome to reach out! Contact info is on my site
PH Hunters
you can find top hunters for your launch and contact them directly at
UX Playbook
I have the same question but I'm looking for allies in Design
UX Playbook
@ashi_bhat1 not sure how chat works in PH... but feel free to contact me on Twitter or LinkedIn @uxchrisnguyen
@semigrownkid @bernard_bado Thank you for the advice! I would love your support upvoting my new Web3 marketing resource:
Please let me know if you have any questions! :)
@semigrownkid Would love to connect and chat!
AI TikTok Assistant
@semigrownkid There is this listing iste:
@semigrownkid @bernard_bado Thanks! Would love to connect and chat
You can find best hunters on this site
To reach them, you can DM or email or message them on Linkedin
@distartin Thank you for the advice! I couldn't seem to find your twitter / linkedin. I would love your support upvoting my new Web3 marketing resource:
Please let me know if you have any questions! :)
@distartin Awesome, I'll check them out! Thank you - I would love to connect and chat with you if you're open to it
AI TikTok Assistant
@distartin This is the correct answer. But it still might be hard to get in touch with them.
AI TikTok Assistant
Sure. Just reached out to you on Twitter
You can check out the discussions and reach out to Product hunters from those discussions, Ashi!
I would be extremely happy to support and upvote your launch :)
@noel_rajakumar I would love your support upvoting my new Web3 marketing resource:
Please let me know if you have any questions! :)
@ashi_bhat1 I just checked out your resource. Looks interesting, can't wait for the launch! Good luck, Ashi :)
@noel_rajakumar Thank you Noel! So lovely to connect and thanks for the advice :)
I have the same questions. Interesting to see the individual story of a person who had success with finding relevant hunter.
@tornike_phkhovelishvili Hi there, thanks for the comment! I'd love to connect :)
Enter discussions or search the first profiles that appear that have upvoted on discussions
@markus_getter This is a great point! I would love to connect!
I think look for hunters of top launches. Then DM them on twitter, linkedin.
@edworking Where can I reach out to you?
@ashi_bhat1 You can reach out to my colleague who's taking lead on PH launch here:
@edworking Thanks, this is helpful advice! Would love to chat
@ashi_bhat1 Sure