Ho do you spend your time here?

Ivan Spadacenta
6 replies
How much of your time spent on this website is dedicated to engaging with the community versus browsing or searching for products?


Julia Engelsmann
Mainly being active with the community and building connections. Also read other launches and support those that excite me
Michael Shver
I'd say I dedicate most of my time to engaging with the community. Somehow I've found it even more interesting than searching for products! 😂
Ruben Boonzaaijer
I spend most of my time engaging with the community, but I used to only come here for new product launches
Jon Whitby
Launching soon!
I spend about 30 minutes a day here. Most of that time, around 20 minutes, is for checking out new products, understanding what they offer, and giving feedback. The remaining 10 minutes are usually for skimming through the community to catch any interesting discussions. If I come across a product that could solve a problem or sparks a new idea, I'll definitely spend more time on it.
Lili Péntek
Asking questions and answering questions 😄