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  • Hiring your first engineer

    Eugene Hauptmann
    11 replies
    Hey folks, I'm writing a guide on how to hire your first engineer, especially as a non-tech founder. Let me know what questions should I address first?


    Sam Kamrani
    My two cents, if you're a non-technical founder, you don't hire your first engineer, you find yourself a technical co-founder. I've seen people wasting literally millions of dollars thinking they can build the product without having a technical person behind the idea. Sometimes it's just your partner, friend, uncle, ... doesn't matter, you need a technical person you can trust and usually that person becomes your co-founder or at least CTO with some equity
    Eugene Hauptmann
    @m_kamrani great insight Moshen, I've seen that happen too, and it usually speaks about founder's ability to manage the team/product, not only the technical capacity to understand the product/problem they're solving. I'll quote your paragraph in the FAQ section in the guide!
    As a non-tech founder too I'd think about the following: 1) Something about the terms! Frontend, backend, full stack etc. 2) Scoping out the work 3) Something on the tools that are used - ERDs, Wireframing etc.
    Eugene Hauptmann
    @maxwellcdavis Great points Maxwell! I'll feature your questions in the FAQ section!
    Going through this now, and these were the questions we had originally: - Where to find engineers? - How to write a job post that accurately reflects the requirements (assuming non-tech managers)? - How to future proof hires in early stages of company to reflect dynamic requirements? - How to optimize the scope of skills targeted in a potential hire relative to supplementary roles in the form of short-term contracts? - What will engineers expect to be available to them in terms of hardware and software resources that may not be obvious?
    Eugene Hauptmann
    @robiul_haque Thanks Robiul, working on my 2nd draft already!
    WVK Kloesel
    What website will you visit to do that
    Eugene Hauptmann
    thank you @walkervank! I'll add it to the list in the FAQ section.
    Rushikesh Kavathekar
    Hiring becomes extremely important when you're starting a company or you are building a different vertical in the same business. Also, If you're hiring your First engineer, then, please consider assessing through some assessment just to filter out some candidates. We're using Questy.xyz for a majority of assessments such as technology assessments and behavioral assessments.
    Eugene Hauptmann
    @rushikesh_kavathekar Great points Rushikesh! I already have sections about sourcing and screening. I'll add a section about assessments, love the EQ assessments too, that's the key driver.