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  • Here's my journey from Stagnation to Growth.

    Tioluwani Akeju
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    Hey PH Community, As we step into 2024, I want to share a personal journey that might resonate with many of you. It’s about breaking free from the 'normal' that keeps us stuck and embracing a year of growth and opportunity. For years, my life was a cycle of late starts, minimal effort, and endless TV binges. I was in a rut, but I didn't even recognize it. That was my 'normal.' But one day, I realized that growth is painful, change is painful, but nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don't belong. Here's what I learned: Environment is Key: The biggest barrier to growth is often our surroundings. Change your environment to one that fosters growth and watch how your life transforms. Embrace Tiny Choices: Every small decision can lead to big changes. It's okay to make mistakes; what’s important is to keep moving forward. Elevate Your Standards: Higher standards can shift your entire perspective. It’s about creating a life strategy that makes the journey as rewarding as the destination. Define Who You Want to Be: Don’t settle for the bare minimum in life. Challenge yourself, seek depth, and create a life filled with purpose. This year, I challenge each of you to break free from your own ruts. Whether it's changing a small habit, reshaping your environment, or setting higher standards for yourself, every step counts. I’d love to hear from you: What are your plans for personal growth in 2024? How do you plan to break free from your 'normal'? Share your thoughts and let’s support each other in this journey of transformation! Cheers to a year of growth and opportunities! - Akeju Tioluwani
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