Have you ever made a YouTube video?
10 replies
What was it about? Would you ever consider being a full time or part time YouTuber, and if not why? Or if you have a channel please share!
Yurii Holovanov@yurii_holovanov
Softorino 💻📲
YouTube is very easy to use, but very hard to master.
We always imagine being a YouTuber is awesome, but the streamer gold rush is over 💀
You need to run a channel like a real job to actually live of it. And with that, it can lose all the allure of being such a good idea to monetize your hobby.
I mean, it is still possible, of course, but the chances of growing out of a little dedicated community are much lower nowadays 🙄
Maybe I'm overly pessimistic about it, but that's how I see it at the moment.
@yurii_holovanov definitely think the market's gotten competitive, but I also think the demand is increasing! younger generations continue to use youtube, and public interest changes over time so i think there's always new gaps to be filled in the attention market
We tried to start daily vlogging, but could not do it persistently. Eventually gave up on it.
@jerry_twin What made you give up on it? And what were you hoping to accomplish w YouTube?
I made myself a real-time talking head lol:
Created a couple for my first company (streetwear brand) but gave up after. I would consider becoming a full time YouTuber one day if I had a good friend to do it with.
@jd_worcester Super cool. Was your angle to make a channel specifically for the brand? Or to make tangential channels that plugged the brand. What would you make it on?
YES it's about the chess game app project , it needs a demonstration so I made a video about it and posted on youtube