Guide: ⚑ Product Thinking vs. πŸ—“οΈ Project Thinking

Justin Williams
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🍹 I thought I'd share my notes from a Shreyas Doshi talk on the subject. How you and your team can learn product thinking: 1) Focus on achieving real goals instead of just delivering specific tasks. Ask yourself "why?" and "so what?" to determine what outcomes you want to create for your users and your business. 2) Understand customer needs paying particular attention to their objections and friction points. Keep in mind that some of their most important needs may not be directly articulated but rather come through indirectly via actions or stories. 3) Generate a range of options, including big ideas that embrace creativity and differentiation rather than copying competitors. 4) Simulate each option to see how it plays out and what happens next. Create prototypes or other testable assets to get real feedback. πŸ—žοΈ Full post:
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