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  • Group for referrals and recommendations!

    Shalin Doshi
    0 replies
    It is said that 65% of business opportunities come from referrals and referrals. 82% of small businesses say referrals are a major source of information for new businesses. Looking at this, we have created an informal group for recommendations and referrals on SLACK! Join our Slack Group & help yourselves and others to share relevant contact information! For example, if you need a particular contact in a company, someone from the group can suggest contact information for you or refer you to the same! This allows you to gain the right contact & communicate with people from different parts and companies of the world Over time we aim to form a community that will help grow you and make networking faster and smoother to achieve our goal of #onenetwork. Come and join us to build one community, one network. https://join.slack.com/t/dashlynknetwork/shared_invite/zt-17ouob4d2-EA791clhTrgOpLPGOf2WcQ
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