Gitlab or Github, which one are you using?
Alex Harris
19 replies
Manoj Ranaweera@manojranaweera
None. We use BitBucket for (intelligence of fast growing UK tech startups and investors backing them).
@manojranaweera Great to know, a good alternative!
Bitbucket for (Connecting digital nomads and remote workers around the world!)
GitLab is a great product, I love that is open-source, but we are using GitHub because of Github actions.
@eudald_camprubi From my point of view Gitlab CI-CD is much more feature-rich than Github actions:
- Hosting your own Github actions runner is overcomplicated - one should execute shell script and must follow the security guidelines GitHub specified otherwise runner just fail to run
- Scheduling actions is a pain - every schedule change should be committed whilst scheduling in gitlab is managed through web-interface
- There is no way to check if CI-file is valid and what kind of pipeline it would create
- There are no such thing as executor in GitHub . Gitlab allows different runner architectures ( k8s, docker, shell, ssh-shell and so on ) which are really useful
- Github runner works via shell script - it means that a lot of work to deploy it correctly, while gitlab runner deploys itself properly making all the necessary things itself
- No one can take a look into GitHub secrets. Even project maintainers who can of course create such a pipeline that will show them secrets. So if you are a project maintainer who need to take a look at Github secret - you should write a pipeline and make a lot of unnecessary work just because
- Only way to specify which runner take job is via labels which again can be challenging to build properly. For instance if I want only docker runners to take this job I should always label docker runners properly. Gitlab allows me to specify runners directly, by label or by runner-type
- There is no such thing as Kubernetes integration in GitHub actions. Gitlab offer to plug-in Kubernetes cluster and see k8s workloads and do a lot of dev-ops work automatically
@thatgoodoldmisha, thanks for your comment! In fact I agree on everything you mention. We've internally had the GitLab/GitHub discussion a lot of times and we may definitely mahe the change sometime soon.
@eudald_camprubi Definitely good to know!
Its depend on the need. If you are building an open source project or your own side project, prefer github. Because it have more number of users and more user friendly. But if you are building a Commercial project, then choose gitlab. Because its feature rich and more proffessional than github
@devpenzil These are some really good points, I hadn't considered the open source vs commercial aspect to this
Are there any benefits for non-IT people? I am not active on both.
@atulghorpade no, not really. They are mostly for people who write code
@alexharris Yeah, that's what I thought.
Hi, Alex. do you know which is prefer?
@michel_brown @alexharris FYI according to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2022:
"GitHub is the most popular Version Control for both personal (87%) and professional use (56%). GitLab, Bitbucket, and Azure Repos are more likely used for professional purposes instead of personal."
Hope it helps ✌️
@michel_brown we use Gitlab but its not a loaded question, just keen to understand what the split is
I am using GIthub for programming and cooperate to others but I have no experience about GitLab. Can you explain about GitLab?
@michel_brown Its very similar to Github, a competitor product. Typically you would use one or the other
Thank you. I want to keep contact with you and discuss more.