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  • Getting testers onboard for a text/image-to-AR asset Generative AI Tool.

    Aldo Petruzzelli
    4 replies
    It will be launched with our main product (AR Marketplace) https://www.notion.so/Waitlist-for-testers-of-Generative-AI-Tool-pre-launch-8c41c6b4635d47ef908fe0ab5cdb8309?pvs=4


    Aldo Petruzzelli
    Hi everyone, you can add yourself to the list and you will see a URL soon with access to the tool. If you're interested in providing feedback that would be much appreciated. Open to also chat regarding how do you think this tool will be useful for you :) Looking forward to it
    André J
    Can't you use AI to do the testing? many startups provide ai testing now
    Aldo Petruzzelli
    @eonpilot wdym? Can you share some resources ?
    André J
    @aldo_petruzzelli https://apptest.ai/ so many are being made atm. google it etc.