Fun fact!

Chetan Natesh
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Working on a startup is quite a stressful endeavour πŸ’ͺ Here is a fun fact to take your mind off work for a few seconds! Does your mind hear sounds when you sleep? Your mind does in fact pay attention to sounds when you sleep. When scientists observed people asleep with earphones playing the sound of 2 people talking, one talking sense and the other nonsense. The researchers found that the brain of the person asleep was paying attention to the person talking sense in the same way we pay attention to certain voices in a crowd by blocking out the noise and paying attention to a particular person. But we don't remember these sounds we hear when we are alseep because the memories are erased when we enter deep sleep. So probably the brain pays attention to sound only to the extent our survival is protected. Have a great Sunday πŸ™Œ
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