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  • From 0 to 400$ in a single week with my first Product Hunt launch.

    3 replies
    My recent product hunt launch was a huge success, getting 200+ upvotes, being the #8 product of the day, and making 400$ in a week I did it all with zero investment but hard work and strategies. Product: https://directoryhq.stackai.co/ In this post, I'll share the behind-the-scenes of how I made it happen. Idea: When I was building my side project in public, I see a lot of founders, Indiehackers struggling with the distribution. One day, in a Twitter comment I see a lot of people asking for directories and marketplaces to promote their startups, but it was all the same 5 directories again and again. That's how I got the idea of creating a database of premium directories to launch, promote and sell software products. Why I built it? At the beginning of this month, I lost my job and at that time I got no money to build my side project (www.stackai.co) and also got no money to pay some bills. So I decided to build a mini-project to fund my main project and also to get some money to pay bills. That's why I built https://directoryhq.stackai.co/ out of blue and launched it on the product hunt (My first launch) How did I build it with NO money? I spent $0 on building this, even if I want to I cannot. This is my tech stack: - Database - Airtable free trial (You'll get $10 credits if you invite someone to airtable, I invited 2 of my friends and paid for an upgrade) - Dashboard - Google sheet, Built the user guide, How-to's (It was simple and efficient) - Design - Canva (Pitch decks, Images, GIF) - Landing page - Initally used Softr then asked a programming friend to build me a landing page and I'll help him with marketing his product in the future. (Earn some good friends) - Github - free version - Supabase - free version - Domain - I didn't even have money to buy a new domain, so connected this one on a sub-domain with StackAI. - Payment - Lemon squeezy (Incredible support team) I didn’t do anything remarkable or growth hacked, it's just about making the most of what I had. Hope this will help you to just launch with what you have without waiting for a perfect moment, the moment you launch is your perfect moment.


    Congratulations! It's inspiring to see how you built and launched your product with no investment, just hard work and creativity. Keep up the amazing work!
    Karthik Tatikonda
    Congratulations Sushil 🎉