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  • Free ChatGPT course coming :eyes:

    Yavor Belakov [Team-GPT]
    7 replies
    Hi guys, I am one of the co-founders of Team-GPT and we are preparing a huge marketing campaign for an absolutely free ChatGPT course. The course is on a very high level and it's aim is to market our product Team-GPT which will have its own PH campaign later on. Has anyone of you participated in creating a freebie course on PH. I would love to hear some advices, tips or tricks. Thanks in advance


    Relja Denic
    Launching soon!
    Nice, can't wait to see what you do guys.
    Clara Champion
    Can't wait to see that :) I know @louis_darques who built a great GPT course in French if you want to connect 🙌
    Yavor Belakov [Team-GPT]
    @louis_darques @clara_simone Great, I will be very happy to connect! Would you help me do so?
    Katya Vaptsarova [Team-GPT]
    And it will be the best course out there. I'm 100% sure! Can't wait <3