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  • First time ProductHunt and only 14 days, can it be done?

    Nick Martin
    3 replies
    Hey everyone, this is my first post here! I honestly haven't used ProductHunt a lot in the past, but we have this idea to launch our latest product here and share it with the ProductHunt community. Today is the first day of our two-week Hackathon, and I'm in charge of our ProductHunt listing. My first question goes to the veterans in here, what are the most important actions for us to take in order to prepare and launch on ProductHunt in 14 days? I'm currently reading through some guides, but I thought I'd also ask the community. Thanks a ton!


    Nick Martin
    Okay so I've spent a few hours going through as much information as possible and feel I have a better understanding of what goes into a good PH listing. One of the ideas we had for our Hackathon was to create a pre-launch page using Ship https://www.producthunt.com/ship but I'm not sure now. I was hoping we could post updates on our Hackathon and tease with improvements etc. to build interest before launch. But I'm not sure that's how Ship actually works?
    Nick Martin
    I'm documenting our 14-day launch journey here: https://www.producthunt.com/disc...