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  • Fill out this google form to get connected with local founders

    My Phung
    4 replies
    I've noticed a lot of people post about loneliness and wanting to connect with each other on Reddit. I joined a discord that spurred from one of the reddit posts a few weeks ago and there's now about 500 people in there, but now there's only about 10 messages a day sent. So, I created this google form for startup people in the United States to connect with local people. If you're interested in meeting a new startup buddy/group you can fill it out and I'll connect you with people by email. It's up to you to talk to your group; I recommend using google meets and then maybe meet up for coffee! I'll manually pick out your group/connection based on location and startup stage over the next week See the form and more info here: https://forms.gle/6i5tW1bTR7XiFodXA


    Giovani Drosda Lima
    This is a great idea! I'm thinking about doing the same thing for brazilians.
    Giovani Drosda Lima
    @my_phung get a larger audience in other social medias too and present your idea like "WE ARE GATHERING HUNDREDS OF FOUNDERS ACROSS THE ENTIRE USA" or something like that, people will WANT to join, instead of be asked to.
    My Phung
    @kitamashi Thanks Gio! Trying to get some more people to sign up but I don't see many responses. Any idea why, and other strategies I could try?