[FIGMA USERS] If you could automate one thing, what would that be?
Shravan Chitharanjan
1 reply
Nha Hyerin@nha_hyerin
1. **Auto-generating Design Specifications and Code Snippets** β Figma already allows developers to inspect designs and extract code, but automating the generation of detailed design specs (e.g., margin, padding, font styles, and color palettes) and making them available for developers instantly could save time and ensure consistency.
2. **Responsive Layout Adjustments** β Automating the process of designing for multiple screen sizes, like setting up responsive breakpoints and auto-adjusting layout elements, would streamline the design process. Currently, designers still need to manually tweak designs for different screen sizes, so automation here would be a game-changer.
3. **Component Version Control** β Automatically managing version history for design components and ensuring that all team members are working with the latest version of components would help reduce inconsistencies and confusion. It would be great if Figma could alert designers when a component is updated across the project.
4. **Style Guide Generation** β Automatically generating and updating style guides from the design system, including fonts, colors, spacing, and components, would be a big time-saver. This would ensure that designers and developers are always on the same page without the need for manual updates.