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  • Feedback on CodeSync: Developer + Team productivity tool

    Mansoor Osnar
    0 replies
    Hi ProductHunt! CodeSync (www.codesync.com) is an IDE plugin that streams all code changes to the cloud - no commits needed. It stores them forever, allowing you to: 1) Review your productivity every day and over time ("what did I actually accomplish, and when?") 2) Fetch any uncommitted changes you lost 3) Align with teammates: No more surprises when a PR is created! I came up with the idea 9 years ago and have been slowly vetting the idea, working on it, and expanding the team since 2020. We're now a handful of devs and launched a half-decent marketing page earlier this year :) Any feedback would be very much appreciated. (How can the message be more clear? Would you find it useful, as a developer?) Thanks!! -Osmar
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