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  • Does your team work for free for your startup or you are paying them?

    Artem Luko
    6 replies


    Amy Williams
    Right now, we're bootstrapping, so the team's taking reduced pay. It's like the early days of Github. We all believe in the vision, willing to sacrifice short-term gains for long-term success.
    Henry Sipchen
    Launching soon!
    For now we aren’t getting paid, just a stake in the companies success. It’s a great motivator while also cutting down on costs
    Alec Nguyen
    Launching soon!
    @henry_sipchen thank you for believing in our vision. Your support and impact to Afforai is undeniable.
    Drew "Sales Playbook Builder" Williams
    I pay contractors full rate on my team. I'm taking the pay cut, not my team.
    Annie Patterson
    Startup teams may work for free or for reduced pay in the early stages, with the expectation of equity in the future.
    Sold Kenny Emedo
    I pay my production contracting team, and we are not getting paid. The dream is the drive.