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  • Do you work on weekends?

    Dima Groshev
    21 replies
    I wonder how many people work on the weekends.


    Žiga Kerec
    No. Big advocate on taking a rest here. I think we need to denormalize impossible working hours and start encouraging healthy rest days. I found that some people (me included) are less focused if whey work 10days without rest. I rather work with laser focused people for a working week and than not hear from them for two days straight :D
    Dima Groshev
    Universal UI Kit
    @ziga_kerec I completely agree with you! Resting on the weekends is important.
    Yes I do! Building Stockle relentlessly and preparing for full launch
    Dima Groshev
    Universal UI Kit
    @joonatanvanhala Great! Have a productive weekend 💪
    Content Oyster
    Content Oyster
    It depends on the weekend. This weekend, the answer is yes.
    Dima Groshev
    Universal UI Kit
    @thebonnibelle Same for me. What are you working on?
    Content Oyster
    Content Oyster
    @dimagroshev getting Content Oyster ready for launch. How about you?
    Dima Groshev
    Universal UI Kit
    @kimberly_west Excellent! Rest up and recharge.
    Chill the weekend bro
    Not at all
    Dima Groshev
    Universal UI Kit
    @ricky16 Great! Enjoy your rest!
    Relja Denic
    Launching soon!
    Sometime I do
    Dima Groshev
    Universal UI Kit
    @relja_denic Same for me. Try to rest on the weekends, but it doesn't always work out.
    Theresa Dillion
    Depends! This weekend, the answer is yes.
    Brian Hurst
    Working on the weekend is the cost of being a Founder and making some absolutely awesome stuff. But, it's absolutely worth it.