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  • Do you use Whatsapp for you Business?🧐

    Prem Saini
    18 replies
    I've been using WhatsApp for business purposes, and I'm curious whether other people do the same. Or do they still communicate with clients via email chain? Of course, whatever we use may have pros and cons for everything. But I was just curious about how you handle customers. Also, recently explored this topic in my LinkedIn article. Check it out: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/premsaini_whatsappmarketing-leads-zixflowsolutions-activity-7165218459604176900-J7Af?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop


    Business WhatsApp
    Anjali N
    Indeed, we do! It's easy to use, and since WhatsApp is already on my phone, that's a plus.
    Vincent Xu
    AI Researcher
    AI Researcher
    Absolutely, I use WhatsApp for quick, informal client interactions—it's efficient for real-time communication. For more formal and detailed exchanges, however, I still rely on email to ensure clarity and maintain records.
    Viola Schoell
    To be honest. I don't want to use my private WhatsApp for business purposes because I want to differentiate between work and private life.
    Pablo Roig
    Slack! We avoid using Whatsapp
    Some people also use Slack
    George Aleesu
    I do you Whatsapp for business purposes but then, it's email most of the time
    Marvin Mändle
    We are using Whatsapp for voice messages after meetings.
    Peter Horvath
    Honestly, no, not really. Might will explore this, but I don't really find it that impactful.
    Absolutely! Utilizing WhatsApp for business purposes can be incredibly beneficial for staying connected with customers, providing real-time support, and facilitating seamless communication. Whether it's sharing updates, responding to inquiries promptly, or even conducting transactions, WhatsApp offers a convenient platform for engaging with your audience. However, managing business communications efficiently is crucial for success, which is where AiToolsKit.ai comes in handy. This all-in-one platform offers a range of free tools, including AI-powered chatbots for automated customer support, SEO optimization for business profiles, and social media management features tailored for platforms like WhatsApp Business. By leveraging AiToolsKit.ai, businesses can enhance their WhatsApp presence, streamline their communication workflows, and ultimately provide better service to their customers. https://bit.ly/3wjTfSp
    Awais Rasool
    WhatsApp has become an essential tool for my business! It's great for staying in touch with customers, sharing updates, and even conducting polls to gather feedback.
    We chat with folks in different time zones globally .. it’s a great way to communicate.