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  • Do you use the PH App on your phone?

    Julia Engelsmann
    34 replies


    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    Not at all! 😀 I am the type of person who is 99% on the desktop. WBY?
    Dan O'Malley
    @busmark_w_nika I'm the same! It helps me to disconnect when I'm away from my computer and focus on whatever else it is I'm doing, whether it be hanging out with friends or family or walking my dog.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @dan_o_malley do you also sometimes feel glued to the desktop? :DDDD
    Julia Engelsmann
    @busmark_w_nika I often check the app when I'm travelling. But I always do my daily sessions on my PC as well
    Daksh Tyagi
    Yes, I use the PH App on my phone. It’s great for staying updated with the latest product launches, engaging with the community, and discovering innovative tools on the go. How about you? Do you find it useful?
    Julia Engelsmann
    @founder_daksh I think the mobile app is great too, but when I'm writing properly with the community, I prefer the desktop version. But the app often saved my daily streak 😂
    I use it less frequently. I use PH on desktop as PH is part of my daily routine now :)
    Azra Memisevic
    No, I am more concentrated when I use the desktop.
    Madison Gallaghers
    Yes, I have installed it.
    Omar Faruk
    Yes. Sadly its pretty buggy
    Gurkaran Singh
    Nah, I haven't jumped on the PH app bandwagon yet. It's like my phone's software update reminders - always there, but I never seem to get around to it!
    Julia Engelsmann
    @thestarkster I think it can be really useful for keeping up the streak, but I do my main engagement on the desktop version
    My Phung
    Yup using it right now!
    Konrad S.
    Just to get notifications
    Julia Engelsmann
    @konrad_sx Good point, I often check in the evening on the, if there is something important to answer
    Sometimes, it seems to lack some of the features
    iPad and I like it :) Some of my brainstorming sketches and scribbling happens there too.
    Pablo Rodríguez Aracil
    Not yet. I should do it and put it next to Instagram or TikTok. Other way I will forgot to be here on sundays.
    Tim Liao
    Yes, I use it. Right now just a quick glance to see what topics are available in today's top5 top 10, which will influence whether or not I want to schedule a time to use my computer to look at them in detail.
    Morton Manuel
    I do in fact use the PH app on my phone. It's perfect for finding new, cutting-edge tools on the go, keeping up with community news, and learning about upcoming product launches. https://basketballstars-game.io