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  • Do you use OKRs to achieve company success?

    Ongun Demirler
    5 replies
    Hi guys! First of all, slightly belated Merry Christmas to whom it may concern :) I am just curious whether any of you uses OKRs in your company to execute business strategy? If so, what is your experience with this goal-setting methodology? Would love to hear your opinions. Thanks!


    Gaurav Parvadiya
    I am going to start this process for my startup soon.
    Ongun Demirler
    @graham_patel Great idea! Let me know if you have any questions about OKR deployment. Will gladly help.
    Matt Li
    Seasons Journaling for iOS
    Seasons Journaling for iOS
    I've become a solo app developer in recent years, but in my past life as a company man, OKRs and other frameworks were always being thrown around as a panacea for underperforming teams. I think they are great, but at the same time they are only effective if they are well understood and there is buy-in and commitment from the entire organization. If there isn't, as soon as there is any sign of trouble, it is human nature to blame the change.
    Ongun Demirler
    @mattli You're absolutely right, @mattli. OKRs just don't work if each and every employee is not involved and committed to getting along with the metholdology. Many companies start using them without digging deep and doing proper research and trying to find out whether they might fit their work culture at the given time, or not...They do it just because OKRs are now seen as somewhat fancy that Google, Amazon, Spotify, etc. do. But again...The best way to learn about OKRs is to do OKRs.