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  • Do you use a chatbot on your website?

    Alexey Anshakov
    2 replies


    Prema Toppo
    No, Chatbots can be useful for providing quick answers to common questions, offering customer support, or engaging visitors in interactive conversations. However, they are not a one-size-fits-all solution, and we prefer other methods of communication such as feedback buttons, FAQs and emails.
    Kosala Aravinda
    Hey @alexey_anshakov We will soon implement a chatbot into our Nootify.io platform once our API document is ready. We have developed our own modal this way, we are protecting our IP instead of uploading them to third-party platforms. Many users are unaware of how their data will be consumed and repurposed. So, in the coming months/years, people will start looking at building their own bots. I want to ensure we educate users before they go down too far down this rabbit hole. Cheers Kosala