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  • Do you think the next trend will be renting no-internet access villas to have a break from online?

    I have witnessed many people proclaiming how they underwent some "retreats" or digital detox breaks. πŸ“΅ Yesterday I bumped into the tweet, something in the sense: "Spent last 7 days having a digital detox and now I am back online! Stayed in a remote villa with little to no internet access and it was great!" Will renting no-internet access villas be the next-generation trend to be free from online? Thoughts?


    Joseph Lucio
    I think that will be a great business idea even today, many people would love to explore this kind of a trend.
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @joseph_lucio actually, it is a good business model. People buy dumb phone e.g. Retreats are next lvl :D
    Bilal Asif
    Launching soon!
    I think renting no-internet villas could be the next big trend. With so much of our lives online, taking a break in a place where you can unplug completely might be the perfect way to recharge. It’s all about finding peace and reconnecting. I could use some internet detox myself. lol :D
    Bilal Asif
    Launching soon!
    @busmark_w_nika Haha, I agree that it would be hard for us to escape but for a little while, it would be nice, Don't you think? :DD
    I don't think so. There is too much information nowadays, and only those who are detached from worldly concerns or have enough money can do this. Because the long-term consequence of doing this for a long time is to become disconnected from society. Some people don't care about this, while the wealthy can quickly get important information during this period through their own companies or secretaries.
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @all_appp_games wealthy people can afford to care less but I think it is a choice and about your mindset. Online matters the most when you are dependent on it (the most of the world is) because many of us have online work.
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @andrea_stanisic @all_appp_games I think it is becoming a trend. My friend had this business plan because he found some houses for rent. Pretty far from civilisation :D But I do not know whether he found somebody willing to pay for that.
    @andrea_stanisic @busmark_w_nika There's a misconception here : Pretty far from civilisation doesn't mean No-internet access. I don't think people will put down their cell phones
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @andrea_stanisic @all_appp_games It doesn't mean that, but you are right in this statement. In this context, it was also meant like that. We had older villages and countryside (even those that are with signal :D ) and some people go there for family trips but nothing long-term. I will give you a little bit of context: my friend was working quite much and didn't feel (mentally) well so tried to have a break. He owns co-working and realised that some people (visitors of coworking) have sedentary work, non-stop with their laptops (classical workaholics) :D So his idea was to give them another type of experience for a short period of time (3 days, 7 days). But dunno whether he started working on that. I haven't seen him for a year. (Who knows – maybe he underwent one year retreat) :DDD
    @andrea_stanisic @busmark_w_nika I guess the point you're trying to make is to provide an environment where people have choices.
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    @andrea_stanisic @all_appp_games That would be an ideal scenario. When one is pushed into something, it doesn't work well.
    Maybe. more virtual life, less real life. We need a balance. It is sometimes disconcerting to realize how much people depend on the internet.
    Emily Willis
    I hope so Nika! Travel was so much better before smartphones. Noone was staring at their phone. Noone was putting on a show for their selfie stick. Everyone was truly present.
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    @emily_willis1 Thank you Emily for your contribution. I started realising it when I was abroad on a trip. I spent less time online and it was quite good. I came back and was full of ideas and thrilled to work on them.
    Andres Rosas Sanchez
    Every trend should be on the internet. From a growth perspective, it is very challenging to promote a trend that isn’t inherently part of the online world
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    @andres_rosas_sanchez FOMO is real. But there are so many FOMOs that I like shifting my boundaries to JOMO.
    Miyene Tom
    It is very important finding a healthy balance and being mindful of one's digital habits. Is really addictive and in a bad way... Excessive digital use leads to so many health and social issues. For your overall well-being have an offline life...
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    @miyene_tom trying to find some kind fo "balance". I do not want to be off but also not too much on. trying to reduce time on the internet :)
    Benny Chandra
    The trend could align with the broader movement towards wellness tourism, where people prioritize their mental and physical well-being during their travels.
    Tatiana Voropaeva
    I don't think it will be a big trend, but I see this idea as a product for a small segment with high checks (like yachting). But in reality, people can do it (get rid of / reduce internet communication) right now without going i.e. to a tiny village. You can just delete/block at least all social networks and apps on your smartphone. But the biggest problem is that people are already addicted to the cheap dopamine (doom-scrolling, an illusion of getting important information, reals, etc), they are in this cycle and it is hard to get rid of it. perhaps this is because people lack their own willpower and you can consider it to build a unique positioning. --> to support them through your product.
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    I am participating in such apps but also trying to find any other things that can support mindful living. One way how I reduce my time on a smartphone is an excessive amount of movement outside, sports. It literally puts me into the situation of not being glued to my phone or laptop. And when I saw that tweet I really started thinking about this concept as a business plan. There were many yoga retreats and boot camps so maybe the next step is this? @tanyavrpv
    Tatiana Voropaeva
    @busmark_w_nika For my part, I see it as a mix of accommodation and no-internet activities as you mentioned (camp or retreat). When a pre-selected filter of 'middle of nowhere' on Airbnb meets meetup.com πŸ™ˆ 😁 If we take something away (internet) we should offer a replacement. Yoga, creative DYI activities, or something related to hobbies, etc sound promising.
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @tanyavrpv Definitely, we should offer some activity for other people's hands instead of scrolling. They would go crazy otherwise :D
    Kate Ramakaieva
    FuseBase /formerly Nimbus/
    Hmmmm... sound interesting! I planned a vacation this week and it ended me working not 10 hours a day but 4 πŸ˜‚ next time maybe it will be less
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @kate_ramakaieva The same for my for my last trip. :D I felt guilty but at the same time good. Because when you visit and explore new places, you have that "motivation" to not spend so much time on your laptop or phone.
    Nathan Covey
    I definitely think that products and services in the "digital detox" space will grow in popularity
    Zebracat AI
    Zebracat AI
    Launching soon!
    It is undoubtedly feasible!!! Digital detoxes are becoming more and more necessary, so internet-free villas could become a thing. As more and more people look for opportunities to unplug and rejuvenate, providing a vacation from nonstop connectivity might be the next big thing.
    Brian Perez
    I think that no internet access villas could gain popularity. Many people are looking for ways to disconnect and recharge away from screens and social media.
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @perez_brian What would be pricing according to you? :D
    Matt Cloud
    Love the idea.. needa break sometimes
    Michael Gonzalez
    I think renting no internet access villas could definitely become a trend. As we are constantly connected and overwhelmed by digital noise, the idea of escaping to a place where you can fully unplug and unwind is really appealing.
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @michael_gonzalez6 how much would you be willing to pay? πŸ‘€
    AndrΓ© J
    That's one way to yolo your PH streak 😏
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @sentry_co Who said I would undergo such a retreat? πŸ˜€
    I think digital detox villas could totally be the next big trend! πŸ“΅πŸ So many people are feeling burned out from being constantly plugged in. A week in a beautiful remote location to unplug and recharge sounds amazing. I bet savvy property owners in scenic areas could market 'digital detox' packages with yoga, meditation, nature hikes, etc. and charge a premium. The key would be great amenities and activities so people don't miss their devices. Curious to see if this takes off!
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @sophiarosecarter when I used to do yoga, yoga teachers were used to these things in Bali. :) It has a potential.