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  • Do you integrate AI into the products you launch on PH?

    Irmak Besimoğlu
    17 replies


    Daniel Burns
    Yes, as a matter of fact, we have AI integration in all of our tools. Particularly QualityOps will have an interesting take; It is a performance management tool with a forecasting feature within your projects. You can check it out here: https://testifi.io/qualityops-pe...
    Certainly, our product just launched today. It's an AI image translation tool. Its notable advantage lies in its ability to directly translate images suitable for business scenarios, such as posters. In contrast, manual translation and image editing typically require the use of multiple tools, while AI can accomplish the task in a single step. Are you interested in trying out our product? Your support is very important to me.
    Debajit Sarkar
    I consider integrating AI into the products when I have a clear understanding of the data I need to train and evaluate my AI models and how I will collect, store, and process it.
    Yes of course!
    Kristoffer Bindesbøll
    We use AI to summarise big amounts of text data on user defined topics, so we are able to let the user know in a summary what has happened on the topic of the users interest over the last 7 days. AI is so solid now adays, that if possible to use in your product, do it.
    Kate Ramakaieva
    FuseBase /formerly Nimbus/
    We use AI in FuseBase for smarter collaboration. So the team focuses on the work they do best while AI takes care of the organizational grunt work required behind the scenes. Great time and effort saver!
    Prem Saini
    I think it's crucial to keep up with the times. Nowadays, people really care about making products easy to use. In Zixflow, we've added AI to make working with CRM data easier. It saves time, especially for things like personalized emails. I believe AI thing is going to be a big part of future products. By the way, we just launched Zixflow today, and it would mean a lot to get support! 🚀
    Niamh McGlade
    Not yet but hopefully very soon. We are currently working to integrate AI and predictive analytics into Hurree which we hope will only elevate our current reporting dashboards. Everyone is rushing to get AI into their products which is understandable but it's just as important to make sure you do it right.
    Nicolò Marchesi
    No, if it isn't necessary or adds real value. We are planning to add some AI features but more down the road.
    Aristo Coutinho
    Personalized recommendations: AI algorithms can be used to analyze user data and preferences to provide personalized recommendations for products, services, or content. This can be seen in products like Netflix, Spotify, and Amazon, which use AI to suggest movies, music, and books that users are likely to enjoy.
    Oliver Thomes
    Chatbots and virtual assistants: AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can be used to provide customer support, answer questions, and complete tasks. This can be seen in products like Apple's Siri, Google Assistant, and Microsoft's Cortana.
    Hassan Shah
    Predictive analytics: AI can be used to analyze data and predict future trends or outcomes. This can be used in products like financial forecasting software, fraud detection systems, and predictive maintenance tools.
    Kabir Haynes
    Natural language processing (NLP): NLP can be used to understand and generate human language, which can be used in a variety of products. For example, NLP can be used to power chatbots, virtual assistants, and machine translation tools.
    gcui-art/suno-api:Open-source SunoAI API
    gcui-art/suno-api:Open-source SunoAI API
    Launching soon!
    I did something different. Instead of integrating AI into my product, I am integrating some capabilities into users' AI bots to enhance them. Do you think people will be into it? 🫣 https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
    zuhaib ashfaq
    I'm building my product and it is not based on AI. AI is definitely making lives easier, but it is not meant for everybody. It does get a lot of traction when you say that you have launched an "AI-based Product". But I believe the one thing that matters the most is its application and impact on user's life, decision-making and product's usability. - If using AI Services can serve your audience better, then you should definitely utilize it. - If you're just after the buzzword, then you need to reconsider if it is worth the efforts.