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  • Do you get detailed review from customers or just ratings?

    Nitin P
    11 replies
    Hey, PH Community I am a newbie PH member. I am working on a plugin that can let users receive feedback on their website. I see that a lot of reviews on websites and even Google are just star ratings with little to no text. Most businesses send a post purchase review link but if the customer just leaves a star rating without a description then that review may not be so useful to other prospective customers. What do you generally do to get a more detailed review from your customers?


    Luka Vasic
    LeadDelta professional relationships CRM
    We always try to get a detailed review. It has higher credibility. We also uses their reviews to improve our tool.
    Nitin P
    Indie Price Tracker
    Indie Price Tracker
    @luka_vasic do you seek reviews using emails or personally? How do you encourage users to provide details?
    Luka Vasic
    LeadDelta professional relationships CRM
    @nitin_p Mostly personally. We work with our customer through LinkedIn, so we ask there. We also showcase our customers so that gives a bit of an incentive to leave reviews also.
    Samson Godstime Adarighofua
    it is better to get a detailed review so you know what and where there is an issue and needs fixing
    Arun Pariyar
    Detailed review always gives makers the chance to bring real feedback into the process. Ratings are vague to makers but surprisingly good for viewers ha ha
    Arun Pariyar
    It is @nitin_p but as long as you are engaging with your customers and give them transparent and valid reason why you need it. I don't see no reason why its shouldn't work. Also with things like this its always a bit of a number game , the more people you reach out the likely you are to get detailed review back 👍
    Nitin P
    Indie Price Tracker
    Indie Price Tracker
    @arunpariyar yes they do but the challange is how to make the user give a detailed review.
    Paul VanZandt
    I think everyone would prefer a detailed review, but getting people to fill out a quick survey about their experience is often the tough part. I think that's one reason that most reviews are just a quick star rating.
    Nitin P
    Indie Price Tracker
    Indie Price Tracker
    @paul_vanzandt absolutely true and I am guilty of the same myself. Everytime I get a product review email or I on a website I generally just leave the ratings. I wonder if there was an AI review generator that could generate a review and I could just tweak it and press submit if I agreed 😊
    Paul VanZandt
    @nitin_p I agree. I think the easiest option would be a bullet list of common thoughts or options that people could select along with their rating to make it easier and provide another level of feedback.
    Amanda Trincher
    My company is always trying to get an extended review on sites like Pissed Consumer to make it more useful for new customers. This can be very important in making a decision.