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  • Do you find that to-do lists help you stay organized, or do they sometimes add more stress?

    Amit Arora
    1 reply
    For me, to-do lists are a lifesaver. Here’s why I’m such a fan: ★ Having a to-do list is like having a clear plan for my day. It helps me remember everything I need to do and keeps me focused. When I write down my tasks, I don’t have to worry about forgetting anything important. ✔️ One of my favourite things is checking off completed tasks. It feels so good to see that I’m making progress, even if I don’t finish everything. It keeps me motivated and shows me that I’m getting things done. Sometimes, my list can get a bit long and overwhelming. But I’ve found that breaking tasks into smaller pieces and adjusting priorities helps. This way, I can stay flexible and handle any surprises that come up. Overall, to-do lists help me stay organized and on track. They’re not perfect, but they really work for me. What about you?


    André J
    My todo lists are always like: Remove one todo item. add 3 more 😅 I keep telling my investors that we have exponential growth. 😬