Do you care about getting more Twitter followers? 🐦😁
Maxime Dupré 🔨🥹
29 replies
I've seen so many opinions on this subject over the last couple of years.
Personally, I'm a giant fan of Twitter. I care about getting more followers for more than one reason. Business outcomes. Cool relationships. Inspiration & motivation 🤩
This is a fine day to ask this question as today I'm also hunting my own Twitter growth tool: 🥹
Mehdi Rifai@mehdi_rifai
Depends on what you are building for B2B products it's not that important. For B2C products you absolutely need an audience whether it's on Twitter or other social media
@mehdi_rifai Exactly! That's also my template answer 😆 It's great for B2C of any kind (but especially Twitter tools, productivity apps, or even B2C aimed at indie makers/solopreneurs)
@mehdi_rifai don't B2B products also need to grow some audience through social media? especially twitter has alot of professionals who can be potential customers for B2B products.
@mehdi_rifai @imjohnkoo Oups. Yes 😁 That's what I was trying to say in my reply above 😅
* or even B2B aimed at indie makers/solopreneurs
@imjohnkoo depends on the product but in general Twitter is more of a B2C acquisition channel than a B2B acquisition channel
@maximehugodupre man I like your Twitter A/B testing tool trying it out atm
Yes! What is your Twitter handle?
Yeah but it's been so slow for me!
@maxwellcdavis It's slow for almost everyone (there are exceptions of course). It's just a total grind 😅 A wheel that you gotta keep spinning 🥹
I see people with crazy growth. For me it's just been very consistent steady growth, without any of the fun spikes of growth I see so many people having 😆
@maximehugodupre Yeah I know - just hard to get started 😀
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I think Twitter has that concentrated audience for most things, especially for devs.
I didn't realize this for a long time. Just 1.5 months ago I started becoming serious about Twitter and becoming serious about LinkedIn too soon :)
That's why I built this solution for Twitter and LinkedIn 😀
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@maximehugodupre Haha. Not yet active. First I should make the most out of Twitter and then I'll try with LinkedIn 😍
@basharath Nice 😎 Good for you with LinkedIn. I'm not ever going near LInkedIn 😆
Yes I do! But it really can take a looong time aha
I care about engagement more and outreach to customers, but it seems that correlates pretty well with followers
@richard_gao2 There's also the fact that every tweet has a much larger base reach the more you have followers. A bigger potential for virality 😊
It seems the importance of managing social media as a channel for building audience and engagement never been bigger. I'm also putting a lot of effort.
Thank you, @maximehugodupre. I love social media management apps. For twitter, I'm trying out apps and saas like Tweethunter and Blackmagic. I'll give it a try!
@imjohnkoo I totally agree 🤝 It's a huge time suck, but in the end it pays off 😊 See my launch from yesterday for proof 😁
@imjohnkoo Awsome 😎 I'm a big Blackmagic user myself 🙌
Yes, it is a long game, but its worth.
@tobbinthomas I agree 🤝 It's a long-term play.
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I plan on developing and focusing on Twitter later this year. Right now other things are taking a priority, however, I don't know if I'll care necessarily about followers.
I think engagement is a lot more important. Followers are great for social proof, but we've all seen accounts with 100k+ followers that are struggling to get adequate engagement to match that.
I'd rather have 1000 followers that are thoroughly engaged in my niche than 10,000 that follow me because an unrelated piece of content goes micro-viral.