Do todo apps work for you?

David Deisadze
16 replies
I’ve had a weird relationship with todo and productivity apps. It makes me less productive! I start focusing on the method of organization and then become paranoid im not doing enough. So I’ve dropped them completely, have been just using calendar, gmail, and docs if projects get too complicated. So far so good! What’s your take on this?


I use a combination of Google Docs for main tasks and VS Code txt files for project specific stuff. Works Ok for one man shows
David Deisadze
@luciantartea love it! Simplicity always beats fancy tools imo. I knew many developers that used vscode as well
Neelam Goswami
They’re great but I’m the problem 😅 I list down to-dos but end up doing tasks as they come anyway! Not the best approach 😬 But yes, the apps are definitely helpful in reminding me that I need to prioritize and get back on track.
David Deisadze
@neelam_goswami1 yes I’ve had that happen as well! Priorities I guess
Yeah I haven't really figured out how to use todo lists well, what works best for me is having just one main task to complete for the day. I copied this from the book Make Time
David Deisadze
@entreeden yea Eden same, honestly it’s simple it works, should be common sense! Lot of productivity tools for me have been a journey to become more disorganized and unfocused
Fabian Frank Werner
Absolutely! Notion is my favorite go to 😊
Bryan Van Horn
I think it really depends on how you think about tasks. My brain will prioritize certain tasks for me and even when I use a todo app, I still find myself doing what my brain thinks needs to be done first. However, they are a great way to get reminders!
David Deisadze
@bryan_van_horn man iam the exact same way! It becomes a hassle reprioritizing the tasks XD
Claudiu Cogalniceanu
A todo list works pretty well for me. I use it for day to day activities mostly. And it works well, because otherwise I get lost in the sea of stuff that needs to get done.
Claudiu Cogalniceanu
@david_deisadze mostly, yes. I work only about 3 hours a day, so I keep a pretty lean todo list (5 max). And my todo list usually has stuff like: talk with that user; finish/start that feature; change the design of a page; post a video/article etc. And I do this because, like I said, I’ll get lost in the sea of tasks, and forget what I wanted to do or some other new (and maybe not as important) idea pops into my head and I’ll get down that rabbit hole for a while, and lose track of what was actually important
David Deisadze
@claudiu_cogalniceanu do you finish everything you planned for the day?
I dropped a few of them, and for some reason when I tried Todoist it just did the job. Can't really explain why, but it did.
David Deisadze
@gabriele_mazzola that's great man, glad it's working for ya!