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  • Discord Community vs. Blogs: Which is the Better Engagement Tool?

    ᗰᗩ᙭ ᒍ.
    1 reply
    As we approach the launch of our product, Bara, we've been deeply contemplating our user engagement strategy. The core question we're trying to answer is: "Where can our users best come together to share, learn, and grow?" Why Discord? - Community Building: Discord offers real-time conversations, which can foster strong bonds among our users. - Immediate Feedback: Quick responses and community polls can help us iterate on our product faster. - Learning & Sharing: Users can share their experiences, tips, and even help troubleshoot issues, creating a collaborative environment. Why Not Blogs or Email Lists? - One-way Communication: Blogs and emails can often feel like a monologue, missing out on the community feel. - Aesthetics vs Engagement: While blogs and email lists might offer a cleaner aesthetic from a brand perspective, it's the dynamic interaction that often leads to deeper engagement. - Concerns & Considerations: One of the reservations we have is the brand aesthetic. Discord, being more casual and interactive, might not mirror the polished feel of a blog or email list. But, is aesthetic appeal more crucial than the organic interactions and feedback we'd get from a live community? - Seeking Opinions: We'd love to hear your thoughts on this. Do you believe a Discord community would serve Bara users better than a blog or email list? Any experiences, ideas, or suggestions would be invaluable as we decide our path forward.


    Excellent. I like discord and frequently use it to start product communities. Engagement is greater than any initiative.