Digital detox tips: Concentrate on your work

Martin Moravek
2 replies
I decided to share a few things that reduce your time spent on the smartphone. You will be less distracted so that you can focus on your work progress. These are digital detox tips: 1. Disable notifications 2. Lower your screen brightness 3. Don't use your phone while sleeping 4. Set tech-free hours 5. Find an alternative entertainment 6. Remove unnecessary applications 7. Don't use your phone while eating 8. Keep your phone out of sight I hope that you find them useful. πŸ™‚


Murali Gottumukkala
It would be awesome to achieve these in startup world
Martin Moravek
minimalist phone: creating folders
minimalist phone: creating folders
@murali_aasaan Yeah. Concentration is the key to productivity. And productivity leads to better results.