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  • Code Quality Matters?

    Vitalii Rybka 👋
    0 replies
    Over the past two years, I participated in 22+ projects and invested 3500+ hours in our clients' projects. One of the most frequent issues that significantly decreased the velocity of projects and teams, resulting in overdue production releases, was the need for more code quality tools and practices. Here are some interesting notes about code quality: - Legacy lives long: studies have shown that the majority of the cost of software isn't in its initial creation but in its maintenance. Good quality code can reduce these costs significantly - Bug proportions: high-quality code tends to have fewer bugs. In projects with poor code quality, the number of bugs grows almost proportionally with the size of the codebase. Sometimes, it's complicated to manage a bugs list when there are no code guards - First-time right: the cost to fix a bug increases exponentially as you move through the software development lifecycle. A bug caught during the design phase is far cheaper to fix than one during the testing phase or, worse, after release. Code review haters - you're here ;-) - Productivity impact: quality code positively impacts developer velocity. A clean, consistent, and well-organized codebase can make adding new features or troubleshooting issues much faster. The main question here is how to define the quality code ?) - Technical debt: poor code quality can accumulate as "technical debt". Just like financial debt, if not addressed, technical debt can accrue interest, making future changes more difficult and costly - Happy teams: high-quality code leads to higher morale among development teams. Developers who work in a well-maintained codebase are more likely to experience satisfaction and burnout. Moreover, the onboarding process is more straightforward Please share your thoughts about code quality in the comments. Thanks Happy coding ;-)
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