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  • Chatbots & Notifications: The new age communication or white noice?

    Kosala Aravinda
    11 replies
    I would like to explore how chatbots are revolutionising how we receive and interact with notifications. Would love to hear about your favourite chatbot notification experiences.


    Anthony Adams
    I think chatbots and notifications have the potential to be a great way to communicate, but we need to be careful not to overuse them.
    Kosala Aravinda
    Hey @anthony_adams_, I agree with you... We need to be empathetic and accountable to the users who we are communicating with. When comes to chat bots it is the quality of the replies that matters. It is easy to just plug in a third-party chat bot, but without having it trained on your data, it is just a waste of time... Cheers Kosy
    Daniel Hunt
    Notifications can definitely be much more personalised using the tech that powers chatbots atm. Hopefully it can help both users and designers!
    Kosala Aravinda
    Hey @daniel_hunt4, You are spot on! I like the fact you brought in Designers to the convo. UI/UX plays a huge role in this too. A good UI/UX designer/Engineer could present the notifications in a much more fun/presentable manner. But ultimately the value is what would keep the users wanting to receive notifications and wanting to chat with a bot. Cheers Kosala
    Lukas deConantsesznak
    It's a fine line I think between noise and value! But I think that apps can ultimately become more powerful by exploring the automation available with chatbots, AI, and messaging formats all combined.
    Kosala Aravinda
    Hey @lukas_deconantsesznak, YES! You got it... With what we have access to now, there is no excuse for people not to use these techs to create a personalised experience and value for users. The messaging is so cluttered that I use six different platforms to communicate with clients. Sometimes this can get a little too much... then you look at how you can get notified only on things that are super relevant for you... I think messaging platforms should be a lot more customisable. Cheers Kosala